Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shooting in Arizona

On a Saturday there was a shooting in Tucson,Arizona. The shooter was a man named Jared Lee Loughner. Six people where killed and thirteen people where wounded. Some people think that his lawyer is going to say that the reason he shot those people is because he is insane so that he is spared the death penalty. They also think his lawyer is going to try to get the trial moved out of Arizona because she thinks that the Arizona judges will unfairly judge him because one of the people shot was a judge.

I believe that the shooter should get the death penalty because if you kill and injure that many people then you deserve the death penalty. I also believe that he deserves the death penalty because I think that he actually planned the shooting which means that he is not insane. Another reason that I think he should get the death penalty is that he shot a judge. One more reason is that even if he is insane eventually if he gets out of the mental hospital then he might shoot even more people.It might also save money because they will not have to feed him if he gets the death penalty.

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